

Who We Serve

We are psychotherapists specializing in gender, sexuality, relationships, and sex therapy. We are committed to doing effective healing work informed by social justice values. We are members of the LGBTQIA2+ community, and many of our clients are, too.

A primary focus of our practice is working with clients of diverse sexual, gender, and relationship identities, including (but not limited to) people who identify as: transgender, non-binary, gender-nonconforming, intersex, lesbian, gay, pansexual, bisexual, queer, asexual, kinky, and polyamorous. We operate from an anti-white-supremacy framework and welcome people of color.

We are sex-positive and pleasure-positive. We recognize the sex-negative culture in which we live and the harm it can cause. We address this harm through sex therapy and psychoeducation, supporting individuals and partners toward deeper self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

We recognize that clients’ identities may not be central to the reason they seek therapy. It can help to have a therapist who “gets it” so you can focus on what brings you to therapy.

Our Approach

We believe that therapy relationships can be contexts for transformative healing.

We believe that past experiences often make themselves known in the present, and that therapy can be a place to increase awareness and gain more control over the impact of the past. We believe that making meaning of experiences together can have powerful healing effects.

Our therapists come from different training backgrounds, but each of our treatment perspectives are informed by our shared commitment to social justice and liberation from all forms of oppression.

Our work is eclectic and often incorporates relational, psychodynamic, attachment, and narrative approaches. Many of our therapists have training in one or more of the following:

We practice under the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care.

Our Training

We are licensed mental health practitioners with graduate and post-graduate training in gender, sex, and sexuality topics. Many of our therapists have additional training in specialized trauma treatment. Please visit our therapists’ bio pages for more information.